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Year 6 Residential 2024

What a great way to start a morning.  They have had their breakfast and starting their day with a zip wire. They are all so brave! The children love hearing your messages so please keep sending them in. 



Granny Pam( Cherry’s gran) - Hi sweetheart. Grandad and I are driving back home to Scotland with BERYL!!!! She’s a wee cutie and has been very well behaved. She’s TINY!!!
Enjoy your last day and I’ll see you on FT with Beryl tomorrow xxxxxx

Chanel- Skye-taylor’s Mum - Hey Skye, well done for taking part in everything, Looks like you are having fun.
See you soon
Love mum xx

Amy - Hi Zora - I hope you’re having a fantastic time - that giant swing looked amazing. We are expecting lots of great stories when you get back. Enjoy every minute. Amy x

Billy King - Hi Zora! Hope you’re having fun! I’m really pleased with the big load of clothes your Mum & Dad have given me, on account of the mistaken bear attack. Hopefully, you can use your fencing skills to fight off the next bear!

Isaac ( Zora ‘ s cousin) - hi i hope you are having fun with the fencing and just keep on enjoying yourself lots of love Isaac 😀💯

Kolly (Ayana’s aunty) - Hi ayana, Day 3 of your trip looked so fun! Make the most of the last day couple days! Hope you’re ok well done for having a go at everything!

Help!!! - Zora from Papa C & Mickey you are by far the best granddaughter we have ever had. We miss you and are looking forward to seeing you and the family on Hilton Head Island in August. Have fun on this latest adventure. I tried to send you this note twice, but you know how we octogenarian are with the internet. The pool awaits you.”

Sophia - Hey Luna. We hope you & your friends enjoyed the day. The Zip wire looked real cool👌🏾

Sleep well, sending lots of love from Mama & Reub's ❤️

Miss Joanne (Jo) - Wow wow! 😮 Year 6 you are all totally embracing this wonderful experience! You are all amazing and totally rock!!! Colvestone is sooooo quiet without you guys, especially lunchtimes lol …. Continue to have all the fun and making fantastic memories ❤️

Mrs Krueziu - Hi Year6. I love watching you have fun. It looks like some of you are conquering your fears. Fencing, zip wire and more…. Make the most!!

Ms Glenette - Good evening Year 6. Your photos explains it all. Continue to enjoy the activities planned for the day. It's been raining since yesterday here so enjoy the beautiful weather you're having. You may have grown when you return to Colvestone ha ha. Enjoy your evening, sleep well and enjoy tomorrow's activities planned for you 🤗🤗.

Rahima - Hi Rayyan, zip wire looks really fun hope your having a good time, we are all missing you Zaynab and Ibrahim said Hi. Can’t wait for you to come home, enjoy your last day tomorrow make the most of it the weather should be nice tomorrow. Love you lots

Rosie Governor - Wow! What a fabulous time you are having and Happy birthday for yesterday Miss Coyne!

Betty Enriquez - Great videos of the zip wire, would love to give it a go myself!
Gabi Im sending you a big kiss 😘😘

Alex - Zora’s cousin - Hey Zora,

Looks like you’re having a great time, and I’m loving the hair ! Hope you’re enjoying, see you soon

Papa C and Mickey for Zora Younge - Zora, looks like you are having a blast! Keep having fun. We miss you. Much love.

Rafal Sitarz - Hi Gabi, I can see you having great time and some decent weather as well. I get completely soaked at work today. Only good thing about this rain is, I don't have to water our plants every day.
Your strawberry looks amazing with new flower and rest of plants to. Squeaks from S&P and big hug from me. Love you lots.

Pat - Hi Zora Dora. Fencing looks pretty cool, and you are a vision in pink. Hope you are having fun. Uncle Pat

Uncle Kev - Get it, Zora! En garde!

Kimberley - Hi Bashie,

I can see u all are having an amazing time☺️ I miss u so much, but I am also happy you are having the time of your life👋🏽 you all are Brave🙌🏽 Don’t forget to take your brown inhaler in the morning and just before bed, I KNOW I KEEP REPEATING 😁 We miss you and can’t wait to hear all the exciting stories about PGL. Love ❤️from Mama Bear, Shawn and Baldhead boy say HI😂

Soraya's mum a.k.a Sherene - Hi Darling

Wow look at you on the zip wire, conquering your fears. Love to see it.

You were in your element at fencing, i know how much you love it.
Maybe you could pick fencing as an after school club at secondary 🙂.

Missing you loads but so happy your enjoying yourself with all of your

Uncle Denzil, cousin Shayne, cousin Ty and Auntie Lacey all send there love and are so proud of you 😊❤️

Love you loads darling
Mum ❤️

Granny Pam( Cherry’s gran) - Hello my sweetheart. Looks like you are having a ball with all those different experiences.
Grandad and I are travelling south( so in the same country as you!) to pick up Beryl tomorrow. She’ll FaceTime you on Friday but you’ll need to have a bath first- don’t want her first impression of you to be that you’re a mucky pup!!!!🤣🤣🤣

Cecilia and Adu - Looks like you guys are having a great time.
Kofi l guess the fencing was a lot of fun for you.
From Dad and Mum.

Karla - Cherry’s mum - Hi sweetie, loved seeing you on the zip wire! Glad you didn't get stuck and needed rescuing like me in Costa Rica! That was embarrassing 😜🤣

Thought you might like to know the cleaning of your room is going well. Third night might just get it finished - hope you're being a bit more tidy at PGL?!?!?

Anyway, must go, I'm making Chips for our dinner tonight!

We love you so much!
Mum & dad

Ms Kessie - What wonderful form and technique Year 6. Missing you all, very proud to see how adventurous you all are.

Hope you are eating extra vegetables and drinking lots of milk or water to keep those joints flexible. :-)

Kelly - Hi Linus,

Looking like a professional fencer - that should protect you against the bears.

The Pokemon card sale is going well, apparently you had a few pretty rare ones and I’ve made enough money for Dad and I to emigrate to Australia, we’re leaving tomorrow. I’ll get an Ocado shop in for you for when you return - you can have our room now and won’t need to live in the shed, you can make use of the sauna room too.

Avian said she’ll check on you once a week - but I’m sure you’ll be fine. If you’ve managed PGL you can manage anything!

Super proud of you!
Love you lots

(Our next message maybe delayed due to the Australian time difference)

Tara - Hi Zora. Love the dance moves! Hope you enjoyed the fencing. Also, please tie your shoes. 👟 Missing you.❤️❤️❤️

Ellen - Hey Remy looks like you are having lots of fun! Did you get some new shoes? Axel says hi. We miss you! Love mum and dad

Miss Lucey - These photos and videos are amazing! it looks like you are all have the best time ever! Tomorrow is your last full day - Already! Make the most of it and face your fears.

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