In partnership with
In partnership with

About the Federation

The Blossom Federation has developed significantly over the past decade.

In 2014, Hackney Education, then Hackney Learning Trust, asked the Head Teacher - Janice Thomas, and the Governing Body at Sebright Primary School to support Daubeney Primary School. The schools formed a formal Federation that September, and began to share their vision, ambition and resources. Janice Thomas became the Executive Head Teacher of the Federation and the leadership structure expanded to include a Head of School at both Sebright and Daubeney. The Federation were asked to support Lauriston Primary School in 2014 after a period of change which had affected standards. A consultation period followed with the school joining the Federation formally in 2018.

The Federation now shares a Governing Body comprising the Executive Head Teacher and governors representing parents, staff and the Local Authority governor as well as members who have been co-opted because of their skills. Their aim is to ensure the three schools work together efficiently and sustainably to raise standards, improve services and increase opportunities for pupils and staff as well as to monitor performance and standards, the quality of the curriculum and be able to share resources, staff, expertise and facilities.

Daubeney, Sebright and Lauriston all retain their individual school identities which is important; there are staff, such as the Executive Head Teacher, Federation Business Manager, Spanish Teacher and Pastoral Care Lead who work across each school. Otherwise, each school retains its own Head of School and staff.

In January 2021, a new Executive Head Teacher – Robin Warren - took up the post. His vision was to create an overall Federation name and identity. With input from staff, families and the children themselves, we were renamed The Blossom Federation in July 2021 with a beautiful logo created by some children at Lauriston. The Blossom Federation now has new and visual websites, uses social media and is taking a fresh look at teaching and learning in readying the children for the future.

In September 2022, the Blossom Federation began an initially one year partnership with Colvestone Primary School.  This is now continuing after a very successful beginning.

The Federation will soon launch its Blossom Platform to further promote its work and continue to strategically attract further school sot join with us.  Working collaboratively is the way forward for schools who will achieve more as a group, than standing alone.

Robin Warren will also be working as a Hackney Education School Improvement Advisor from September 2023 further enhancing the partnership with the Local Authority.

Where will we be in five years?  We will have at least six schools in the Federation and be a successful model for achievement and success.