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Year 6 Residential 2024

The children had a good sleep and were up early to start their busy day! First activity of the day - The Giant Swing!! 

Activity 2 - The challenge course! 

Happy birthday Miss Coyne! What a wonderful way to spend your birthday 🙂 


Olubisi (korede's mum) - welldone Koko (korede)... The pictures are amazing.... can't wait to see more... keep inspiring darling....

Betty Enriquez - Wow the giant swing looks scary 😨
Gabi I cant wait to hear all your adventures.
Missing you loats 😘

Amara & Alesha - Afu we are missing you.😥
Looks like you all are having a amazing time.
Love you Afu

Year 4 and Year 5 - Hey Year 6,
We hope you are having a good trip and are not missing us too much!
Have fun and be brave...We are enjoying being the oldest in the school for 1 week :)

Mr Shamji - Well done for being so brave everyone! I can see you're all having such a great time. Make the most of your time there, you will remember and cherish these moments forever! Enjoy the rest of your adventure : )

Sophia Armel-Evans - Grand rising Year 6.

Wow! It looks like you're all enjoying yourselves. Making beautiful memories ☺️

Hey Luna, we hope you slept well & are ready for today's activities & adventures? Have a fantastic day

Big hugs from me, Reuben say's hi & Daddy sends his love❤️

Beauty (Junaid’s mum) - Hi Junaid,

Your Arabic teacher missed you yesterday and had a look at your pictures. She said “you seem to be having lots of fun.”

Have a wonderful day. Load of love mum and dad.

Happy birthday Ms Coin hope you are having a wonderful birthday.

Matt (Remy) - Hi all,

Looks like an absolute blast.

Happy birthday Miss Coyne!

Cherry, Bubble Fett? Nice

Bears! Oh my! Please be careful, children. Sounds dangerous.

Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite.

Moybur (Rayyan's dad) - Hi Rayyan hope your well.
Wow year 6 you guys are all so brave looks like you are all having a great time, well done Rayyan for being so brave enjoy your last few days.
Lots of love from Mum and Dad.
Happy birthday Miss Coyne...

MS Glenette - Hi to all year 6 children and Colvestone staff. Happy birthday Miss Coyne. Pictures are great. I don't have to ask for the photos says it all. You are creating wonderful memories before leaving Colvestone. Enjoy every moment of your time away from the classroom. Be adventurous, approach every challenge and be safe. I am sure all of your parents are missing you but are also happy that you all have been given the opportunity to be independent away from home and will be very proud of you all. Have a great week :)

Kelly and Paddy - Hi Linus, The sauna renovations are looking good - how do you feel about sharing the shed with a lodger too?

We got a good price for the drums, and I’ve posted your Pokemon cards on eBay.

I hope you’ve had a great day - looks like some pretty cool activities.

Love you lots
Mum (and Dad)

Ms Coyne - I hope you’re having a wonderful 21st birthday and the kids are looking after you!

Soraya's mum a.k.a Sherene - Hi Darling
I can see you and your friends are having a great time.
I'm loving seeing all the pics of your adventures. On the big swing you, Daniyah and Luna look like your screaming your heads off 🤣 🤣🤣.
Keep having fun and making memories.
Oh Miss Coyne, you poor thing 😆🤣
Happy Birthday to you atleast it will be one to remember. Us parent's and carer's owe you a drink for sure 😆🤣.
P.S I heard the sad news Tara says Zora has been eaten by a bear!!!!!!
Make sure to stay safe & be vigilant.
Love you so, so much.

Kolly (ayana’s aunty) - Hi ayana! Your first 24 hours looked so fun! You’re so brave on the giant swing! So proud of you, well done!

Kimberley - Hi my Daniyah (Bashie)…I can see you are having a wonderful time😁 Don’t forget to take your brown inhaler every morning and just before bed. Me and Rashawn miss u loads, Love you my favourite daughter😍❤️

Rose Skudder - Hello everyone! It’s me Rose. Hope you guys all have a great time! So sad I couldn’t be there with you, miss you all.
With love,
Rose ❤️

Tara - Glad to see you are alive, and apparently, enjoying a nice drink while on an obstacle course. You surviving the bear attack is good news, mostly. Although, thinking you had died tragically, we had gone ahead and given all your clothes away to Oxfam. But it's ok. Daddy and I kept a few things that we thought suited us. They may be a little stretched out by the time you return, but I'm sure will look fine. Hope you are having fun, sweetheart.

Rafal Sitarz - Hey Gabi , whole family in Poland sends you hugs and kisses, especially granny and grandpa, me too. Hope rain didn't stop you having fun.

Miss Jade - Hi year 6,

You all look like you’re having an amazing time! Keep having fun, I am jealous!

Happy birthday Miss Coyne!xx

Olubisi (korede's mum) - Happy birthday Miss Coyne... wishing you the best in life..

Mr Joshua - Happy Birthday Miss Coyne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karla - Cherry’s mum - Hello sweetie, WOW.....your first 24 hours looks so full of fun! Hope you're having a great time. That swing looks almost as scary as Tower of Terror!!
Polly & Bubble Fett the second enjoyed a nice early breakfast this morning. I don't think they are missing you forgetting to feed them!!!!
Happy Birthday Miss Coyne. What a lovely way for you to spend your Birthday 😜😍
Love you lots! Mum and Dad

Miss Lucey - What an amazing first day you are having! the giant swing looks awesome! The school is VERY quiet without you. Happy birthday Miss Coyne, I hope they all let you have a good sleep tonight!

Mr Joshua - Hope you are all enjoying the trip so far. Remember to take part in everything and have lots of fun and laughter!

Tara - Morning Zora. I have not yet seen any pictures of you. I can only assume that means you were in fact eaten by a bear. That is very disappointing. You must have forgotten the bear fighting technique that you learned from Adrien Pimento on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. You will be missed.

Teuta Krueziu - Hi Year 6. Miss you already. I hope you’re all having an amazing time on your residential trip! It’s been wonderful seeing you embrace the activities with such enthusiasm and teamwork.Enjoy the rest of your stay! See you soon:)

Beauty (Junaid mum) - Hi Junaid,

Hope you’re having lots of fun. Missing you as now I have no one to argue with. But I’m glad you are having an adventure with your friends.

Loads of love mum and dad

Miss Prisca (Wrap Around) - Hi Year 6,
These pictures look great and The Giant Swing looks even better. Enjoy your time away from home and create the best memories.
See you soon :)

Mr Warren - Enjoy every moment and challenge yourselves! Have fun

Granny Pam( Cherry’s gran). - Hope you didn’t lose your breakfast after being on that BIG swing!!!!!🤣🤣🤣💕

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