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In partnership with

The School Day

The school gates open each morning at 8.45am. For the safety of the children, it is important that they are not left unsupervised in the playground.

The school bell is rung to begin the start of the school day at 8.55am. Nursery children come into their classroom at 8.50am. All other teachers will collect children from the playground at the start of the day at 8.55am. Members of the SLT are available in the morning to greet children and solve any problems.

Please ensure your child arrives punctually. We ask that you get your children into the playground in good time to start their school day when the bell rings. Late arrivals disrupt the class and the learning of the child.

Children arriving after 9.00am will be recorded as late by staff. This will be recorded and show on your child’s absence and lateness record.

Morning Playtime

  • Reception to Year 6: 10.30am – 10.45am


  • Reception: 12.00pm – 1.15pm
  • Year 1 and Year 2: 12.15pm – 1.15pm
  • Key Stage 2: 12.30pm – 1.30pm

The School Day finishes at 3.30pm. Parents/carers picking up children should wait in the playground and teachers will bring their classes out. Please inform the school office or the class teacher, if there are to be any changes in collection arrangements for your child.

Children must be supervised by their parents or carers before and after school. The use of bikes, scooters and football are not allowed before or after school to ensure the safety of all pupils and their families.