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Year 6 Residential 2024

And they are off!!!! After a long, tiresome week of SATs, the year 6 are off for their weeklong residential! Truly deserved! Have fun Year 6!

The children are settling in to the week long residential. 


Michael and Adele (Cherry Uncle and Auntie) - Hello Cherry!
We hope you’re having an awesome time away from home and enjoying all the fun activities. Try to get plenty of rest to so you can have as much fun as possible, ENJOY!

Isma ~Ayana’s cousin~ - Hi Ayana I hope you’re having fun on your trip I miss you so much and I can’t wait to see you again hope you didn’t forget about me
~ love from Isma ❤️
P.S tell me all about it when you come back!❤️

Isra(Ayana cousin) - Hope you have fun Ayana with your lovely freinds.Enjoy this moment as you will cherish it forever ever and ever!Love you lots and can't wait for you to come back and tell me all about it.😘❤️

Becca Younge - Go Zora! Looks like you’re making memories that will last a lifetime. Hope you’re not doing too many stinky farts. Cousin Becca x

Olubisi (korede's mum) - Korede It's Day 4, I love viewing the pictures, I can't count how many times I come here to look at them.. Mum has turned to Oliver twist, wanting more, more plssssssssssss. I am glad you are having a blast with your classmates and teachers. keep inspiring.... love you darling... The home quiet without you... missing you... Keep shining

Avian - Linus’ sister - Hi Linus,
Hope you are trying all the activities and being brave! Can’t wait to hear all about it :)
Love Avian

Aunty Jezzie - Looks like you are having fun Isaac! Hope you are sleeping well and not staying up all night talking!!! Love you xxx

Mohammad Alam (Junaid dad) - Love you Junaid hope you’re having lots of fun. Jubair is missing you and Jannah is asking for you. Hope the bed is comfortable.

Leah + Marcus ( Cherrys cousins) - Hi Cherry I hope you’re having the best time and hope the food doesn’t taste like Stella’s poops!! Bye!! Good night don’t let the bed bugs bite.

Olubisi (korede's mum) - Good morning koko... I hope you slept well... looking forward to see your DAY 3 photos.
Don't forget to use your super powers today.
REMEMBER: to brush your teeth properly. scrub your body very well. put body lotion on your body. put vaseline on your lips. Also to flush after each toilet use. Ask for help. Eat, drink and have lots of fun. Also don't put your hands in your mouth because of germs. keep inspiring, keep shining... I miss you my darling.. Everybody sends their ❤️

Olubisi (korede's mum) - wow korede, keep inspiring, keep shining... I love I can do it attitude. love you darling.... Thank you to all year 6 , Mr Jones, Miss Lisa and Miss Coyne.

Betty Enriquez - Hey Gabs
It looks like you are having lots of fun 👍🏼💜
Im glad you got some sunshine there, right now its pouring down in London.
Miss you lots 😘

Saz & Tarin - Hi Ayana we are all missing you loads. The house is not the same with out you. Have lots of fun and we can't wait to hear all about the trip. Please don't forget to drink plenty of water.
Mum and Dad

Bożena i Darek - For Gabi ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday Aremu (Korede's dad) - WOW... So nice to see you all @ year 6. Have fun. Korede we miss you SO MUCH. First time on a trip without any of us but i trust the pupils & team @ Colvestone! Well done Mr Jones and team 👏

Chanel- Skye-Taylor’s Mum - Hey Son, Hope you are having fun with your friends and doing okay?!
The house feels empty without you lol
Love you, See you soon and remember to try new things!! Xxx

Sophia Armel-Evans - Hey baby girl! Looks like you're having lot's of fun. Photos look great! Hope you're enjoying yourself, having lots of laughs with your friends 😊

We miss you xx

Rafal Sitarz - Hi Gabi, hope you're having lots of fun there and weather isn't to bad. Salt and Pepper saying hello 👋 . We miss you already
Have a lovely day.
Love you.


Rojin's Mum - Rojin, I hope you got enough sleep last night and enjoy the rest of your day 😍😘

Olubisi (korede's mum) - Good morning koko (korede)
I hope you slept well
I am so proud of you, continue to make us proud. remember there is nothing you can't do because you are a smart, brave and you have super powers . Everybody sends their love.. I hoped you got our last message from us.. we love koko.... keep shinning... endless love from dad, mum, brothers, sister, grandma , uncles and aunties......

Seye Aremu - Hello Korede, Have fun. We miss you ❤️❤️

Cecilia - Hey Kofi,
Hope you slept well.
The house is so quite now.
I have already parked the playstation.
No more games when you come back.
Enjoy yourself.
We miss you
Mum and dad.

Matt and Ellen (Remy's parents) - Hey Year 6! Looks like fun. Hope you all are having a great time!

Remy, we miss you!

Love, dad and mum

Kelly and Paddy - (Not sure if my other message went through?)

Hi Linus - I hope you’ve had a great first night and managed to get some sleep!

Yesterday we sold your Nintendo and today your drum kit - we are thinking of turning your room into a sauna. We thought you could live in the garden when you’re back?

(Only joking - love you!)

Mum ( and Dad)

Lisa - All in sounds so far. X ❤️
All showered and tired. X ❤️

Amara and Alesha - Missing you big sis. Have fun will all your friends and stay safe. Love you afu.

HIRA - Hi Ayana...hope ur trip will be nice and memorable. We will all miss u so wishes to u & all ur friend.

Kelly and Paddy - Hey Linus - I hope you’ve enjoyed day 1, we are certainly enjoying the peace and quiet. I’ve sold your Nintendo and moved Pigeon into your room! Looking forwarding to seeing your adventures! Love Mum and Dad

Granny Pam & Grandad Kenny( Cherry’s Grandparents) - Hi sweetheart. Hope you’re having a fantastic time. You are so lucky!!!! Enjoy every minute!!!
Love you lots xxx PS absolutely eat chips every night!!!🤣🤣🤣

Betty Enriquez - Hey Year 6! I hope you are all are having lots of fun after such a hard work last week.
Looking forward to see more pictures of you tomorrow.
Gabi I miss you! 😘

Soraya's mum a.k.a Sherene - Enjoy your week of adventures, darling.

Have lots of fun, remember to drink water and try to get some rest for
tomorrow's activities.
Staying up all night talking with your friends sounds like no fun at all.
But I'm just an old lady, LOL, so what
do i know.
Love you lots
Mum 😘❤️

Lots of love

Olubisi (korede's mum) - hello Korede, this is from us, the house is quiet without you.. we love you and missing you.... can't wait to hear about your adventures... we love you koko.....

Rahima - Rayyan’s mum - Hi Rayyan, hope you had a nice journey, enjoy yourself have lots of fun with your friends. Miss you already the house is so quite with out you, love you lots ❤️

Tara - Looks like the trip is off to a great start! I've heard bears roam the English woods. Here's hoping no bears come into your cabin at night and eat you.

Jameela and Musa - Hi Ayana afu, have fun on trip we miss you! You will have an amazing time and make lots of wonderful memories! We can’t wait to hear all about it when you come back!

Karla - Cherry’s mum - Hi sweetie, hope you’ve had a lovely day so far. Enjoy the sunshine and remember - don’t eat chips every night for dinner! Can’t wait to see more photos of you all and see the fun you’re having. Love you so much! Mum & dad 😘

Gulsum Suluhan - Rojin l miss you, have fun 👍 😘

Moybur (Rayyan's Dad) - Rayyan, enjoy your journey with everyone else I'm so glad you went make the most of it have lots of fun 😁

olubisi oni - Safe journey... have fún....

Rafal Sitarz - Enjoy the lovely weather and have lots of fun, you deserve it.

Miss Lucey - You all worked so hard before and during SATs Week and now it is now to relax and have fun! I hope you all have a wonderful time and make so many beautiful memories. Make sure you go to sleep when you are suppose to, you will need all your energy during the day!

Miss S. Lynch - Have a great journey… and enjoy settling into your accommodation. I bet you are all excited about the week ahead. Enjoy, be brave and give everything a go. You will have so much fun!

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