In partnership with
In partnership with

Wrap Around Care

We are excited to welcome Prisca and Sevcan to Colvestone Primary School. Prisca will be leading our Extended Day this year and Sevcan will be supporting Prisca for the first half term.

Miss Prisca Ahwireng

Glenette Wilson

Please see below some slight changes to the provision:

  • Extended Day Care will start at 3:30pm and finish at 5:45pm.
  • Please collect your child(ren) from the main office entrance.
  • When you are at the main entrance, please phone 07983 112390 and a member of the team will escort your child to the main entrance door.
  • When registering, you will be asked to state which days you want your child to attend. Your child will only be able to attend on the days specified. This will support with registers and safeguarding your child(ren).
  • If there is an emergency and you need your child to attend an additional day, please speak to a member of SLT (Senior Leadership Team).
  • We cannot provide a space for any child without a completed registration form and agreement of the terms & conditions.
  • Please notify the school immediately of any change in contact details, addresses or medical information.
  • Application forms can be collected/returned via the school office


Breakfast Club Registration Form 22-23

Breakfast Club Changes Updates Form 22-23

Breakfast Club Notice Leave Form 22-23

Wraparound Registration Form 22-23

Wraparound Changes Updates Form 22-23

Wraparound Notice to Leave Form 22-23
