In partnership with
In partnership with

Family & Staff Association

The Family and Staff Association (FSA) is what we call our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) here at Colvestone Primary. The association was set up in July 1999 and became a registered charity in June 2003. We are members of the National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations and are run along similar lines to most other PTAs across the country.

Our roles in the School

To provide support and resources which help the school enrich the curriculum for all pupils – this essentially means fundraising for materials or activities which will improve the opportunities available to pupils; To develop effective relationships between all members of the school community – in practice this means running parent meetings and organising social events (such as the annual school fete, school discos etc.) to get parents, staff, governors and pupils together.

Our work has funded a wide range of things, including the school library, the playground, climbing frame and school garden and, more recently, djembe drums used during the African Drumming and Dancing learning experiences and board games for the Family Maths and Board Games Event held every Friday afternoon. While the FSA generally raises funds to benefit the whole school, Friday cake sales – set up and run by parent class representatives – are used to raise money for individual classes and this is spent on specific items needed by the class in question.

We always aim to reflect the diversity of the school community and to celebrate the wide range of cultures at Colvestone Primary. Our success depends on parents and carers getting involved and supporting events in whatever way they can – so come along to a meeting and have your say!


Chair: Helen Davis (Y6 & Y3 parent)
Treasurer: Hannah Boyde (Y3 parent)

Committee Members:

Hazel Capper (Y4 parent)
Karla Hegarty (Y5 parent)
Laila Torsun (Y6 parent)
Dorothea Kanellopoulou (Y1 parent)
Teague Flannery (Y6 and Y2 parent)
Vikki Wallace (teacher)


Meetings will be advertised on notices put up around the school. Minutes are produced by the Secretary and you can get a copy of them on request, although they’re always given out at the next meeting.

  • An update on school matters by the Head Teacher or an Assistant Head Teacher;
  • A discussion of future social or fundraising events and some detailed planning work;
  • Debates on issues of general interest;
  • The consideration of any special requests for funds by staff or others within the school community.