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Year 6 Residential 2024

The children are heading home today but before they do, they have a special message for their families. 


Sorayas auntie pat - Hope you had a lovely time honey.

Soraya's mum a.k.a Sherene - Year 6 you have done it, a week away from home. Mission completed ✔️🙂👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾.
You should all be so proud of yourselves.

Soraya your practically an adult now lol. With all the new skills you have learned I'm expecting you to cook dinner for me tonight.
Well maybe tomorrow night after you have had a long sleep in the comfort of your own bed.

Auntie Pat sends her love and can't wait to hear all about your shenanigans.

Big darling says glad you enjoyed your residential as much as he did years ago.
I'm sure you don't miss his loud music and granny dancing looooooooooool.

Can't wait to give you a big, big hug 🤗
Love you little darling 😘 💗

Kelly and Paddy - G’Day Mate!

We’re embracing life in Australia.

On a serious note - thanks you Mr Jones, Ms Lisa and Ms Coyne, honestly it’s such a big ask for staff to take time out to take children on residential, and I think the impact this trip will have on them is so underestimated. Your time, love and commitment is incredible, we thank you all for everything you have done for our children.

You all have contributed to them growing and developing into the independent young people - of which we are so proud!

Big love to you all xxx

Karla - Cherry’s mum - Thank you so much Mr Jones, Miss Coyne and Miss Lisa. It looks like you’ve all had so much fun and you definitely deserve a well earned break over half term. Thank you!

Mr Jones - I am so incredibly proud of Banksy class. After showing great determination, resilience, ambition and courage throughout the preparation for SATS and during test week itself, we have continued to live these values throughout an exciting week at PGL. Their behaviour, attitude and effort this week has been so impressive, remarked upon by the staff at PGL. Everyone has tried new things, taken risks, conquered their fears and shown indomitable spirit. They have created very special memories, built on friendships and taken the true Colvestone spirit to PGL. They will have much to tell you about!

Parents and everyone at Colvestone: thank you for lovely messages, we loved sharing them every evening.

Miss Coyne and Miss Lisa thank you for taking care of the children so well with me and helping us have an amazing trip.

Banksy class; thank you for being your amazing self and making your teacher very proud.

Have a fantastic half term and I look forward to our final half term together, making sure we go out with a bang!

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