In partnership with
In partnership with

Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to the Early Years Class 

Communication and language

We give children opportunities to experience a rich language environment; to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves, and to speak and listen in a range of situations. You can help your child by talking to them about what activities they have been doing at school during the day. 


It is really important that you read with your child on a daily basis. Book sharing encourages a curiosity about life and an eagerness to learn. A bed-time story shared with your child when they’re ready for bed is the perfect time for cuddles, to bond and to make memories. Reading together can trigger all sorts of wonderful questions and stimulate conversation. Allow time in your bedtime routine to chat about what you’re reading: you’ll be helping your child’s development and gaining an insight into how their mind works, and it expands your child’s vocabulary. Reading to your child will also expand their emotional vocabulary, giving them words for what they’re feeling. This can make them better able to express themselves, and less prone to the emotional meltdowns that can happen when they’re wrestling with feelings that they don’t know how to talk about. 

On Wednesdays it is ‘The Big Read’ (9.00—9.30am) where you are welcome to come into the EYFS Class to read with your child. Please sign in at the school office before coming into class. 

Reading books will be sent home every Friday. Please encourage your child to talk about the pictures, characters and key events in the stories and where possible highlight keywords. Please record your child’s progress in the reading record book provided. Please return your child’s book and record book on a Wednesday. 

A review of the weeks learning and phonics homework will also be given out every Friday. Please support and encourage your child with their learning. Please return the homework folder the following Wednesday in your child’s reading folder. 

Physical development

Active children are, happy, school-ready and sleep better. Aim for at least 180 minutes per day for children aged 1 to 5 years. Every movement counts. 

Children aged 3 to 5 years old will need 11 – 12 hours of sleep. 


The EYFS class will be having PE in the large playground on Tuesday afternoons. Please make sure your child has appropriate P.E. kit (black jogging bottoms or shorts, white t-shirt and suitable footwear, such as trainers or plimsoles). 


Please could you make sure that your child’s uniform, coat and P.E. kit are labelled and they have a spare set of clothing in school including underwear.  Please replenish their spare clothes bags with clean clothes when necessary. 

Water bottles 

Children will receive a water bottle from school. This is the only water bottle that is to be used. Fruit juices and squash are not allowed. 


EYFS Highlights