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Year 6 residential - Day 4

A Rather soggy start for Year 6 this morning with Raft Building followed by the heights of the Trapeze, 
This afternoon will see us do orienteering and climbing, ending the day with a disco.


Chris - Hey Nelson
AZ Alkmaar 0 West Ham 1
(Agg 1-3)
We’re in the final!

Yasmin - Miss you knox! Looks like so much fun. Have a great last night see you tomorrow xx

Jean and Wendy and Mum and Dad - Yeah you did it almost doinked your head😬
Go for those moves Nelson🕺🏻🪩

To Nelson (and everyone else
You have done it and you were amazing at it 😃😅
Have fun and see you tomorrow!!!👀

Teague - Leo don't panic we have saved you some of Eleni's birthday cake.

Teague - Leo we all miss you and love you.
We can't wait to see you tomorrow and hear all your news.
Get griddy at the disco.i know I know embarrassing mum x

Jules’ Margot’s Dad - Hi Margot,
Im so impressed with the Trapeze - that looks so high!!! And building the rafts - how many of you got wet??? Well done year 6. We can’t wait to hear all about it. Did you beat Miss Lucey in your arm wrestle.
Enjoy the disco tonight and don’t forget to take pics.
Ludo, Larkin, mummy and I are really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Lots of love xxDaddyxx

Ari (Delphi's mum) - Can't wait to see you tomorrow and hear all about it Delphi! We have lots of questions like 'did anyone manage to beat miss Lucy at arm wrestling!?' Enjoy your last night , love Mummy, Daddy and Phoebe xxxxx

Debbie David - Can’t believe all the amazing and brave things you have been doing, as someone who is terrible with heights I’m in awe!! Hope you shake some good moves at the disco later. Missing you absolutely loads Freya and can not wait to see you tomorrow xxxx❤️

Laila (Clara's mum) - What an amazing day - we're loving the photos - and the videos on twitter - well done Mr Shamji! Glad you got to have a day in the sunshine too, Miss Lucey :). Have fun at the disco and enjoy your last day tomorrow. Xxx p.s. Esme and Cass are impressed with how daring you all are jumping off that super high platform!

Colette Aoki's mum - So much fun activities year 6 your all enjoying yourselves. Hope you all have a fabulous last night whatever you do.
Aoki you'll sleep all weekend, after this trip. Can't wait to see you tomorrow, the house is very quiet without you.
Miss you love always ❤️ 💕

Michelle - Another fun packed day for you all.Enjoy your last night of fun.You should all be proud of yourselves getting stuck in with the activities.Goooo year 6.Enjoy your last morning there.Hope you have enjoyed yourself harrisen and the challenges you have faced.You go son.Love you lots x

Sophie Margot’s mum - Wow you guys have been so busy having too much fun!! Margot we miss you and hope you are having the best time ever. And it’s the disco tonight woop woop 🙌🏼 . And don’t forget to take lots and lots of photos for your album. We can’t wait to see you at pick up tomorrow. Lots of love Mummy, Daddy, Ludo & Larkin xxx

PS What is a cat’s favourite colour?

Amma - Hiiiiiiii Neriah 😘
I'm really proud of you, especially with all the activities you have done, you should be very happy with yourself. 💐 can't wait to see you tomorrow so you can tell me more about your trip. Hope you had a splendid day, have a wonderful evening and sweet dreams... love you very much and miss you more xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Char - Looks like so much fun!

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