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Year 6 Residential - Day 2

Year 6 have had a fantastic first day of residential. 

Last night finished with an evening of songs and stories around the campfire!

We've had a very busy first full day of activities! Conquering our fear of heights abseiling and on All Aboard, cooling off canoeing and bouncing high on Aeroball. 

We have been celebrating Toby's birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOBY! 

We will all sleep well tonight.


Char-jays mum - I miss you and love you! Can’t wait for you to
Come home and tell me all the stories xxx

Miss Coyne - Year 6, it looks and sounds like you’re having the most amazing time! Keep it :)

Mr.Ahoka - Hi Samuel
We can see all the best photos you're on
Hope this is the special moment you have in your life
Be good listening
We miss you
God protects you all
Hope you are doing well
See you soon love you my son

Charlotte (jays mum) - Hope everyone is having a brilliant time, photos look brilliant! Please let jaylen know Zeus and I miss him!

Amma - Happy Birthday toby!!!!!! 🙌🏾🎉🥳

Amma - Sweet dreams Neriah... and have wonderful morning xxx
Blessings to everyone 💐

Amma - Wow!!! It looks amazing out there, and a lot of fun... well done Neriah getting in that cold water 🤣👏🏾 well done to everyone... hope your day was fabulous.... 💐 love you sooooooooooooooooo much and miss you xxxxxxxx

Saskia and Dom - Happy birthday Toby 🥰 lovely to see you earlier. Hope u opened your card????? Well done to all yr 6. You look like such adventurers 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 get some good sleep tonight. Busy day tomorrow 🤩

Miss Ariza - Happppppy Birthday Toby!🥳
Year 6 impressive skills you all showing I'm so thrilled!☺️ You all are experiencing an incredible time.
Well done champions super troopers.👏🏼 ❤️🙌🏽

Steve Leo's Dad - Hey Leo, you and your friends are definitely braver than me. Keep on having good fun and see you soon xx

Miss Hippolyte - Hi Year 6, you look like you're having an AMAZING time. I can't wait to hear about your adventures when you get back 😊
Happy Birthday Toby, hope you're enjoying your special day🥳
Remember early to bed, Miss Lisa and Miss Bolton need a good night's rest too!!!
If this comes up twice, it's because I couldn't see the one that I sent earlier 😳

Teague - Happy Birthday Toby -what a day you've had- you will never forget this one.
Leo we miss you, the dogs miss you and we send ❤️
Yr 6 you are doing amazing things, you won't want to come home.
Love love love x

Teague - Happy Birthday Toby -what a day you've had- you will never forget this one.
Leo we miss you, the dogs miss you and we send ❤️
Yr 6 you are doing amazing things, you won't want to come home.
Love love love x

Laila - Happy Birthday Toby from all of us! It looks like you all had a great day in the sunshine. Sleep well and I hope Mias Bolton and Miss Lisa are getting some quiet time in the evenings :). Xxx

Sophie Margot’s mum - Well look at all of you doing some crazy activities today!! Margot well done for saying yes to everything. We hope you’re having the best time ever. We made ice lollies at home and Ludo told me he wants to save one for you for Friday. How cute! We love you! Mummy, Daddy, Ludo & Larkin xxxx PS Happy birthday Toby, tell Miss Bolton to give you ALL the treats

Debbie & David - Well done freya, well done everyone - you are all so brave, that wall looks so high. Hope the water wasn’t too cold! Happy birthday Toby! Xx

Colette Aoki's mum - Happy birthday Toby, hope you've enjoyed your day.
Well done year 6 for taking part in all the activities looks like your all having loads of fun.
Miss you lots Aoki, the house is so quiet. Xxx

Chris Davis - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOBY!! 🎉🥳🎈

Looks like fun everyone - but are those canoes supposed to be upside down?!
Now remember - bed by 7.30pm and brush your teeth!

Mr Joshua - Happy Birthday Toby!!!!

Hope you are all having a great time at PGL!

Michelle - Fab pics.You all look like your having fun. You are all amazing doing the activities. I hope you are trying to do some of the activities Harrisen. I'm really proud of you for just being there. Love ya loads. Love,hugs and kisses.
P.S Happy birthday Toby. Hope your enjoying your special day.

Ari Delphi’s mum - WOW Delphi!! We’ve just seen the pictures of you canoeing and abseiling!! We are super jealous it looks like so much fun!! GO DOO! Love mummy and daddy xxxx

Miss Lucey - Wow Year 6! You all look like you are having so much fun. So proud of you all and great to see you are conquering your fear of heights. Did Miss Bolton and Miss Lisa have a go??
Happy birthday Toby, what a great way to spend a birthday.

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