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Year 6 Residential - Day 1

And they are off!!!! After a long, tiresome week of SATs, the year 6 are off for their weeklong residential! Truly deserved! Have fun Year 6! 

Year 6 are all settled into our dorms and have enjoyed a tour of the site. After dinner we will be heading to a campfire. 


Sophie - Hi Margot we miss you so much especially Larkin!! We hope you are having a blast. We love looking at the photos of you all on the website. Have the best best best best best best best best best time. We love you Margot, mummy, Daddy, Ludo and Larkin xxx

Kyle Robinson - We miss you knox and hope you are having a great time! Love Sylvester, Renzo, Gaia and Papa

Miss Hippolyte - Hello Year 6, hope you're all having a GREAT time! Look after each other and I can't wait to hear all about your adventures when you get back.
Happy Birthday Toby and hope you're enjoying your special day
Early to bed and remember, Miss Bolton and Miss Lisa, need to have a good night's rest too!

Sandra ( Harrisens nannie) - Hope you are having a great time Harrisen, love the bear in your hood xx

Amma - We forgot your head wrap at home... not to worry, you can just tidy your hair in the morning as per usual... 🙌🏾😘😘😘😘😘

Amma - Good Morning Neriah,
I hope you slept well my darling, have a blessed day.

I love you very much xxxxx
miss you 😘

Michelle - fab pics year 6.Is your bear having fun in you hood harrisen 🤣

Laila (Clara’s mum) - Looks beautiful there! Have a good first night - and Clara - Esme and Cass say hi. :)

Debbie Madell - It looks a great place, hope you have fun

Amma - Lovely!!! Have wonderful evening kids 🙌🏾 love you Neriah xxxxx

Amma - Love you Neriah!!! Glad everyone arrived safely. Have a wonderful time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
And thank you to all staff 💐

Michelle - I hope you all have a supertastic time.( that includes you teachers as well 🤣)Enjoy the experience harrisen.

Teague -Leo's mum - Goodbye year 6
Have so much fun -you deserve it after all the hard work and you as well Miss Bolton and Miss Lisa.!
Yr.6 Look after each other
And enjoy your first day x

Miss Lucey - The school is so quiet without you year 6! Hope you have the most amazing time and make wonderful memories. Have fun, try something new and take risks (and of course be safe)! Please let Miss Bolton and Miss Lisa have a good night sleep :)

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