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Year 4 and 5 - Kandinsky Class

Upcoming Year 5 Events

Tomorrow 14:30 Year 4 and 5 Graduation

Welcome to Year 4 and Year 5  - Kandinsky class

Times tables tests 

We advise children to practise their times tables daily. They will be tested every Monday and will assess their speed and accuracy when answering questions. Children can also access online activities on TTRS. Please see Mrs Ephraim if you do not have the login details. 


Homework will be sent home every Friday and is to be returned by the following Wednesday. More information will be sent out about homework shortly.  


Children in Year 4 and Year 5 have PE every Friday and must bring in their full PE kit to school. This consists of black bottoms (shorts, tracksuit or leggings) and trainers or plimsoles. Children are to bring their PE kit in and get changed at school.  

Book bags 

Please ensure your child brings in their book bag and reading book every day. 

Water bottles 

Children will receive a water bottle from school. This is the only water bottle that is to be used. Fruit juices and squash are not allowed. 


Please ensure your child has breakfast before coming to school as it can affect their focus and concentration. We have a nutritious and healthy offer at our breakfast club, if you want further information, please speak to a member of the office staff. 


Year 5 Highlights